General Sales Conditions
General Sales Conditions
Use of this Web site is expressly conditioned on your acceptance of the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of the following terms and conditions, you must not use this site.
This site, and each of its modules, is the property of Travel My World and/or its various affiliated and third party providers and distributors. Third party providers and other leisure travel information providers own some of the content that is found on this site. None of the content or data that is found on this site may be reproduced, sold, transferred, or modified without the express written permission of Travel My World and/or its third party providers and
Use Of Site
You may only use this site to make legitimate inquiries or registration and shall not use this site to make any speculative, false or fraudulent statement in anticipation of collection information not generally available to the travel trade.
This Web Site is for your personal and noncommercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products, or services obtained from this Web Site.
Exclusion Of Warrenty
Travel My World and third party providers and distributors do not warrant the accuracy, merchantability, fitness or completeness for a particular purpose of any of the content or data found in this site.
Limitation Of Liability
In no event shall Travel My World or third party distributors or providers be liable for any injury, loss, claim, damage or any special, exemplary, punitive, incidental or consequential damages of any kind (including but not limited to lost profits or lost savings), whether based in contract, tort or otherwise, which (a) arises out of or is in any way connected with any use of this site or content found herein, (b) any failure or delay (including but not limited to the use of or inability to use any component of this site for reservations request, information inquiries or any other content obtained through this site), or (c) the performance or non performance of Travel My World or third party distributors or providers, even if such party has been advised of the possibility of such damages by other party. Some states/provinces/territories do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental and consequential damages so the above exclusion may not apply to you. If, notwithstanding the foregoing, Travel My World or any third party provider or distributor should be found liable for any loss or damage which arises out of or is in any way connected with any of the above described functions or uses of this site or its content, Travel My World and third party provider and distributor's liability shall in no event exceed, in the aggregate, the subscription fee and service charge for accessing this site with respect to which liability is found. In its sole discretion, in addition to any other rights or remedies available to Travel My World and without any liability whatsoever, Travel My World at any time and without notice may terminate or restrict your access to any component of this site. The foregoing terms and conditions shall apply to both contract and negligence claims.
Reservations are subject to space availability in the appropriate class, at the time of booking.
Online Fare Reservations
The conditions herein and the conditions as mentioned in the online reservation section apply to all bookings. In the event that more than one set of conditions apply to the same trip then the most restrictive conditions of both sets apply to the entire journey. Currently, package tours reservations can only be made via email. For request by email, Travel My World shall (upon receipt of your request) make the appropriate reservations and advise you of the confirmation via email or by phone. If availability is confirmed as per your original request then the credit card provided will be charged accordingly. However if not confirmed and alternative bookings have been made, you shall have 24 hours to approve and accept the new reservations, failing which the reservation shall automatically be canceled and no charges shall be made to your credit card.
Credit Card Bookings
The submission of your Credit Card number for deposits and/or final payment indicates your acceptance of our booking terms and conditions, whether or not you have actually signed the appropriate draft. The credit card used must belong to one of the passengers in the reservation. Third party Credit Cards will absolutely not be accepted. Billing address must be provided.
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